Marie Lawson

IN IT Star Jump Challenge

Fundraising for Autism Support and Awareness

Fundraising for Autism support and awareness. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated. Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

Billy and I thank you in advance.


IN IT Star Jump Challenge

I'm helping to raise funds to help provide the best opportunities for people of all ages on the autism spectrum, from tailored educational support to fulfilling work lives and improved social environments.

Help me reach my goal. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

My Achievements

First Donation

Added A Profile Pic

Shared My Page

Made A Self Donation

Raised $250

Added Fundraising Pics

Added A Blog Post

Raised $500

Raised $700

Smashed Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors




Marie Lawson


Sharon Thornton

Good luck Marie


Len Cavanagh


Lizelle Wood

Good luck Marie!


Vicky Hart


Jay Heather


Jacki Weatherstone

Great cause Marie, good luck!


Claire Ryan

Good luck Marie - you will smash it :-)


Sonia Liston

Happy star jumping! Well done Marie


Barb Southam


Marie Lawson


Angela Weber

Hooray for star jumps - go Marie


Jemma Tremlett

Good luck Marie, such a great cause!



Well done Marie, maybe we could do the star jumps whilst waiting for the coffee man