Aspect Vern Barnett School's

50th Birthday Celebration

50 years ago this year, Dr Andrew Vern Barnett and his supporters realised a long held dream - to open a purpose-built school for children with autism. 

Inspired by their daughter, Andrew and his wife Margaret joined with five other families to form the Autistic Children's Association of NSW in 1966. Just a few years later, they had raised $200,000 and Aspect Vern Barnett School became a reality. 

50 years on, our school is still providing the best opportunities for children on the autism spectrum. 

At the end of 2021, Aspect will embark on an exciting renovation project which will mean our school is once more at the cutting edge of design for children on the spectrum. 

Please donate today to support our building plans - to create bigger classrooms, multi-functional learning spaces and design that supports our children's needs. 

 Thank you for your support!

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