Natasha Keogh

I’m shining bright for Harrison

This Christmas, I’m shining bright for my son Harrison who is part of the 1 in 70 Australians on the autism spectrum.

Our journey started 2 years ago when Harrison (Harry) was diagnosed with Level 3 Autism and Severe Global Development Delay. Over the last 4 years, there have been lots of struggles from him learning to talk to social interactions and behaviors. For a while you could tell he wasn’t his happy self as he got frustrated that no one could understand him.

Through the years of Covid, we struggled to get help for him and there were significant delays to be able to get into Speech and Occupational Therapies. While we tried our best to help him at home but we really needed professionals to assist him with his development.

We spent years fighting with daycare to get him the help he needs. We were told that he had behavioural issues and he would be blamed for any incident that happened at daycare that involved him and because he could not communicate, he couldn’t defend himself.

Over the last 12 months we have seen a HUGE change in him after starting speech and occupational therapies. He is a much happier little boy and can communicate like a champion now.

Daily we struggle with defiance, disobedience and tantrums. He cannot comprehend tasks or dangers, does not understand playing with his friends and if he does not want to do something, he wont do it.

After 4 long years, everything is finally in place to help him achieve and thrive and we hope that one day he will be a successful independent young man.

People on the autism spectrum see, hear, feel and experience the world differently. For many, simply coping with the everyday, including Christmas, can lead to confusion, anxiety and isolation.

By coming together and taking action, we can help provide opportunities for people on the autism spectrum to participate, engage and thrive in the world around them.

Let's come together, one light at a time, and make this festive season truly special.

My Achievements

First Donation

Added A Profile Pic

Shared My Page

Made A Self Donation

Raised $250

Added Fundraising Pics

Added A Blog Post

Raised $500

Raised $700

Smashed Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ron Stanton

Thinking of Harrisons out there.


Sue Ivers

Merry Christmas to the Keogh Family. Hope Santa is good to Harry and Stella.


Kylie Brown


Sally Mcgill

Well done Natasha on shining a light on the massive number of people impacted by Autism.


Rachel Cook

Always here if ever needed


Stella Polyviou

You and your family are so strong! Sending you all love.


Charlotte Tilyard

Sending your family lots of love this Christmas!


Simon Gibbens


Samantha Mcalister



As a fellow autims mother I can empathise with the daily struggles you face. With my son halfway through highschool now I can firmly say the right specialist are worth their weight in gold. Remember to celebrate the sucesses and try not to beat youself up whenthings go wrong.


Toni Watts


Rory, Archie & Avery Mansell

Thanks for sharing your story Natasha. Glad to hear things are starting to improve for Harry and your family.


Zoe Matthews


Carla Estrella

Thank you for sharing Harry's journey, Tash! Much love to you and your beautiful little family 😊


Tracey Hind


Emma Tucker

Great work Tash xx