Rays 90th Birthday Celebrations

By Kathryn McIntosh

Raising funds to help provide the best opportunities for people of all ages on the autism spectrum, from tailored educational support to fulfilling work lives and improved social environments.

My Achievements

First Donation

Added A Profile Pic

Shared My Page

Made A Self Donation

Raised $250

Added Fundraising Pics

Added A Blog Post

Raised $500

Raised $700

Smashed Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors




Kathryn Mcintosh


Sue O’donohue


Helen & Brian Enright

Happy 90th Birthday Ray, we hope you have a great day love Helen & Brian


Susan Stack

Happy 90th to Uncle Ray!


John Paul


Anne & Paul Mcdougall

Happy 90th Birthday Uncle Ray. Fantastic to be celebrating with you and supporting your charity as part of your special day. xx


Sarah Enright


Kate Enright

Happy Birthday Ray!


Trish & Birger Petersen

Happy 90th Birthday Uncle Ray. We are looking forward to being a part of your celebrations. Lots of love xx


Christine Irving


Ewan Morris

Happy 90th Ray! What a great cause!


William White

Happy birthday!


Hollee Hughes